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Monday, August 22, 2011

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

UFO - OVNI - Another UFO in mission STS-135

Original Photo Taken by Astronaut Ron Garan
July 12, 2011.

Main photo analyzed by

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

UFO Sightings 2011 July 31 OVNIS on Lake Huron - Age of Aquarius

17:57 - I finally nailed this sucker! Its a bit embarrassing though. I didn't realize that the radial arm-like protrusions were visible on the video until about halfway through so its kind of funny when I finally realized it. I got completely freaked out and excited at the same time. I have a total of about two hours of recorded video; however, I cut it down to 27 minutes for YouTube. I still have the original uncut version if anyone is interested. Also had an orb pass right over my head while filming this UFO. I got it too! It was an extremely exciting night/morning.
  For larger 1280 x 720 (HD side) click on the picture

UFO - OVNI - The Last UFO - Atlantis STS 135